Novembre 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Inauguration du cycle de « Paysages Sensoriels » de la Station 0.2
Photographie : ©LaurenceRevol
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« Tubabulures » est un paysage sensoriel à destination de la petite enfance, prenant place dans la Station 0.2 du Centre Pompidou à Paris. L’installation présente une déclinaison contrastée de tubes, grands et petits, lourds et légers, lisses et texturés, bruyants ou silencieux. Les enfants y sont invités à « faire le bazar », à toucher et éparpiller ce répertoire d’éléments étranges, « Tubabulures », « Gonflabulures », « Moubulures ». Le dispositif cherche à s’adapter au rythme de l’éveil sensoriel et cognitif des enfants entre 0 et 2 ans, en insistant sur des contrastes clair-obscur assez intenses, une dimension sonore omniprésente, et un vocabulaire de formes curvilignes et visuellement stimulantes. Au travers cette manipulation de formes, de sons, et de couleurs, le très jeune public du Musée prend finalement une part active dans la création d’un tableau spatial en constante métamorphose.
November 2022, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Inauguration of the « Paysage Sensoriel" cycle of Station 0.2
Photography : ©LaurenceRevol
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"Tubabulures" is a sensory landscape for young children, taking place in the Station 0.2 of the Centre Pompidou Museum in Paris. The installation presents a contrasted declination of tubes, big and small, heavy and light, smooth and textured, noisy or silent. Children are invited to "make a mess", to touch and scatter this repertoire of strange elements, "Tubabulures", "Gonflabulures", "Moubulures". The device seeks to adapt to the rhythm of the sensory and cognitive growth of children between 0 and 2 years, by insisting on intense light-dark contrasts, an omnipresent sound dimension, and a vocabulary of curvilinear and visually stimulating forms. Through this manipulation of shapes, sounds, and colors, the Museum's very young audience finally takes an active part in the creation of a spatial tableau in constant metamorphosis.
Inauguration of the « Paysage Sensoriel" cycle of Station 0.2
Photography : ©LaurenceRevol
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"Tubabulures" is a sensory landscape for young children, taking place in the Station 0.2 of the Centre Pompidou Museum in Paris. The installation presents a contrasted declination of tubes, big and small, heavy and light, smooth and textured, noisy or silent. Children are invited to "make a mess", to touch and scatter this repertoire of strange elements, "Tubabulures", "Gonflabulures", "Moubulures". The device seeks to adapt to the rhythm of the sensory and cognitive growth of children between 0 and 2 years, by insisting on intense light-dark contrasts, an omnipresent sound dimension, and a vocabulary of curvilinear and visually stimulating forms. Through this manipulation of shapes, sounds, and colors, the Museum's very young audience finally takes an active part in the creation of a spatial tableau in constant metamorphosis.